McMillan Pazdan Smith learned about Ideate Explorer, “and I immediately saw that it could help my BIM support team resolve Revit issues that OoTB Revit simply couldn’t,” said Dan Warren, the firm’s BIM Operations Administrator.
“The amount of time we spend troubleshooting models has decreased significantly. Additionally, we’re better able to document specific situations where modeling and drafting practices have impacted performance. This has led to a broader understanding of the importance of Revit model health within our production team.”
“The Ideate Explorer tool allows rapid assessment of model health and quick identification of ‘less than best practices’ within our troubled models,” said Dan. “Ideate Explorer allows our team to rapidly triage problems, so we spend our efforts on issues that provide the greatest return on model health. Providing a thorough model health assessment used to take a half to full day; now, we can turn our reports around in less than half the time. Additionally, it’s great to get a better data on the actual modeling behaviors that are causing problems on our production floor, so that we can provide more effective training and support. "