Every day, our Ideate Software Support team fields all types of questions from AECO professionals all around the world. You can review some of these recent question and answers via our Ideate Software Support Series blog category.
A nice question that came into our team concerned the ability to quality control dimensions within the Revit model. A customer asked if we could find all the overridden dimensions with one of our Ideate Software plugin solutions for Revit. In fact, we can review overridden dimensions in both Ideate BIMLink and Ideate Explorer.
The tool you choose might be dependent on the ultimate action you would like to take concerning the overridden dimension:
Please review this online Help topic for the specific steps for using Ideate Query to discover overridden dimensions as well as additional Ideate Query workflow examples.
You can also review this 1-minute video on Cleaning up Text and Dimensions with Ideate Explorer. It’s tip #8 within a detailed list of 10 auditing tips for Ideate Explorer.
Now, overridden dimensions don’t need to be a source of frustration within your Revit model.
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