Rule Management with Ideate ReNumber for Revit

Ideate ReNumber for Revit requires the presence of project-defined Rules in order to work. To manage the Rules select from the  Ideate ReNumber  > Manage. To learn more about Rules, select from one of these related Topics:

Default Rules

When Ideate ReNumber launches, it will check to see if there are any rules already loaded within the project. If no rules are found, Ideate ReNumber will load all rules at the location specified within the Manage Rules dialog.  As long as at least one Rule is already present in the project, Ideate ReNumber will not attempt to load any default rules.

Default Rules in Ideate ReNumber for Revit

To access the default rules, select Ideate ReNumber >”...”. The default path value for the Rule Library Path will point to C:\Program Files\Ideate\Ideate Software 20XX\IdeateApps\en-US\Basic Rules folder. Ideate ReNumber will load any Rules found within the folder specified, including any Rules within subfolders.  For example, if you change the default location to C:\Program Files\Ideate\Ideate Software 20XX\IdeateApps\en-US\ (omitting the \Basic Rules) both the Basic Rules and Bonus Rules content will be automatically loaded into any new project. If the value for the Rule Library Path is empty, no Rules will be imported into new projects.

Manage Rules Options in Ideate ReNumber for Revit

TIP: The value for this location is also stored in C:\Users\[local user]\AppData\Local\Ideate\Ideate Software 20XX\IdeateApps\Ideate ReNumber.settings. This file can be distributed via Group Policy or other methods to standardize the default Rule location for Ideate ReNumber.

Sharing Rules

Once a rule is loaded into a project, it will be saved within the project for future use. If a rule is modified within the project, the modified version is only saved within the project. Customized rules can be shared with other Revit projects through the process of Import, Export, Imbedding in a Template, or by forcing a Reload from the default location.

Exporting Rules

To share a new or modified rule from within a Project:

  1. Select Ideate ReNumber > “...”.
  2. Select the rule to be shared then select the Export... button.
  3. If the rule is intended to be a company standard then it should be saved at the location specified by the Default Rules.

Import Rules

To import a rule from another Project:

  1. Within the original project follow the Export steps above to export the rule.
  2. If the new Revit project does not yet have any rules AND the new rule is saved to the path specified by the Default Rules then the new rule will automatically load into the project.
  3. To manually import the new rule select Ideate ReNumber >”...”
  4. Select the Import... button and browse to the location where the rule was saved.

Imbed Rules within a Template

It is not necessary to manage rules by imbedding them in the template, simply because they can be easily managed via the method described within the Default Rules topic. If, however, you prefer to imbed Rules within a template, this can also be done. Be aware that using this method will ensure that new Rules will never be loaded from the path specified under the Rule Library Path.

Force a Reload

If the standard rules have been updated on the network or a local drive you can force an automatic update of all rules by deleting all project rules and ensuring that the Default Path points to the desired folder location.

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